Dion. The village of Dion in Pieria, Macedonia, Greece is located 17 kilometers (10.5 mi) southwest of Katerini. Here are the archaeological sites of the Holy City of the Macedonians. In the middle of rich vegetation and a field watered by springs in the plain of Pieria, just before the climb to Mount Olympus starts, are the temples of the gods, with two theatres. Just beyond lies the ancient city of Dion. Her God-bearing name clearly shows a close relationship with the God Zeus. (Dias).
In this place, thousands of Macedonians came together for the celebrations "for the Olympiads Dias" celebrated from the 5th century BC. The most important holy buildings are the Temple of Demeter, the Asklpion and the Isis temple.
Beautiful places on the sea are Leptokarja, Methoni, Nea Aghatoupouli, Platamonas and Makryjalos.
Text: Yorgos and Wendy Nikolidakis - Edited by Katrina Butzer