The Acropolis Museum. It houses priceless finds from the Acropolis monuments that represent its history and function as the most important religious centre of ancient Athens. On the main level, the visitors can see extended remnants of the ancient city, revealed
with the excavations that are displayed under the specially-made glass floor, as well as significant finds deriving from the slopes of Acropolis.
On the first level there are finds from the Acropolis during the Mycenean and Geometric era, exhibition of archaic items, architectural structures and sculptures from Propylea, from the temple of Athena Nike and Erechtheion, as well as works dating from the late ancient period to the early Christian years.
On the second level you can find the restaurant, the Museum’s shop and book store, balconies with the view of the exhibits on the main and first level as well as a digital media area.
Finally on the third level (Parthenon Gallery) are displayed the frieze, the metopes and the temple’s pediments.
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The museum also offers an area for occasional exhibitions and cultural events, an amphitheatre, an internet hall and an information centre. Some of the most significant exhibits are listed below:
The Caryatids.
The statues of the beautiful priestesses were used for supporting the roof of the southern balcony of the Erechtheion (420 B.C). Apparently they were named after the women of Caryes (an ancient city of Arcadia in the Peloponnese), who are thought to have been the models of certain statues. During the Turkish Domination the Caryatids were also referred to as Petrified Princesses or the Maidens of the Castle.
The Moschoforos.
The exceptional statue of a bearded youth (6th century B.C) is carrying a calf on
his shoulders, a sacrifice to goddess Athena.
Kritias’ Boy.
A statue of remarkable craft (480 BC, attributed to sculptor Kritias) depicting a youth with wavy long hair arranged around his head.
Alexander the Great.
The Head of Alexander the Great which was found near Erechtheion. It is speculated that the statue was made by sculptor Leocharis, after the visit of the Macedonian king to the city, following the battle of Chaeroneia (339 B.C)
The daughter of Antenor.
The marble statue which dates back to 525 B.C. is famous for its monumental grandeur (2m high), its expressiveness and austere facial expression.
The Archaic Kores.
The statues of the maidens who were dedicated to goddess Athena for a long period of time. No two maidens were alike, their varying hair styles and the drapery of their robes give the visitor the chance to admire the development of the sculpture in ancient Greece.
Sculptures decorating the Parthenon (444-432 B.C).
Creation of the sculptor Pheidias, the sculptures are unique masterpieces of works of art in the history of all times. Among others, one would find sections of the frieze depicting the Panathenaean procession, the Olympian gods and certain metopes depicting scenes of the Centauromachy (battle of centaurs), the Gigantomachy (war of giants), the Amazonomachy (battle of Amazons) and the Trojan War (for information on Parthenon’s frieze, see: www.